Interface project wins a Healthcare Pioneer award
A pharmacist programme assisting primary care sites in the North West prevent atrial fibrillation (AF) related strokes has resulted in a 22% reduction in strokes year on year.
A pharmacist programme assisting primary care sites in the North West prevent atrial fibrillation (AF) related strokes has resulted in a 22% reduction in strokes year on year.
An innovative Northern project to prevent fractures has been shortlisted for Best Pharmaceutical Partnership with the NHS at the HSJ Partnership Awards 2020. Interface partnered with the Northern Health Science Alliance to deliver the project.
Work delivered by Interface Clinical Services has been published in The QJM: An International Journal of Medicine.
A pharmacist led programme to assist primary care sites in the North West prevent atrial fibrillation (AF) related strokes has been commended at the prestigious Anticoagulation Achievement Awards (AAA)
With the release of the new GP contract and NHS long term plan, Interface Clinical Services have taken the opportunity to not only align our QOF Enhancement Service but to reinvent it completely.
Now for the fourth year running, Interface Clinical Services have been accepted to present at the RCGP Conference.
Interface partnered with the Isle of Wight CCG to help improve the prescribing of pen needles across the 141,000 patients registered to the 16 practices that make up the CCG.
Interface Clinical Services has been commended for our work with Sentinel Healthcare at this years Anticoagulation Achievement Awards hosted at the House of Commons
For the third year in a row, Interface Clinical Services has presented at the RCGP conference. This year’s focus was bone health, detailing the work completed in the north east region of England throughout 2017.
Interface Clinical Services, the UK’s leading independent provider of clinical support services to the NHS, recently welcomed Robbie Turner
For a third successive year, Interface Clinical Services have been invited to present a poster at the RCGP conference, which will take place in Glasgow.
Interface Clinical Services have been shortlisted for the prestigious Anticoagulation Achievement Awards in partnership with Sentinel Healthcare.