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Review of six Cheshire GP practices identifies 5,000 patients to be added to QOF disease registers

The Pegasus group of practices, part of the South Cheshire & Vale Royal GP Alliance, a not for profit GP federation, has partnered with Interface Clinical Services to improve the accuracy of the QOF registers in their six GP practises.

This has resulted in the identification of 5,000 patients to be considered for disease register inclusion. The exercise also highlighted an increase in QOF remuneration of £150,000 – an average of £25,000 per practice. This additional income will be reinvested by each practice to continue to improve patient care.

On average, each of the six GP practices increased the number of patients on the disease registers by 6.28%. The average increase of patients on the osteoporosis register was almost 202%. It is crucial that osteoporosis is diagnosed early, so that patients can be put on the appropriate bone sparing therapy as it is estimated that an osteoporotic fracture to the wrist, hip, or spine occurs in the UK every three seconds. The cost of hip fractures in the UK is estimated at £2 billion a year. A hip fracture nearly always requires hospitalisation, is fatal in 20% of cases and permanently disables 50% of those affected; only 30% of patients fully recover.

The partnership between Pegasus and Interface involved a customised multi stage programme. Firstly running an educational training event for all practice personnel involved with disease prevalence and QOF coding. Secondly, Interface ran a suite of searches across each practises database and provided a detailed report which identified the 5,000 patients within each of the 19 QOF clinical domains. Thirdly an Interface clinical pharmacist worked with each practice to discuss the findings of the report and agree action plans to be carried out by the practice staff.

Eight weeks later Interface provided a further report which reviewed each practices progress and will continue to provide support to Pegasus for twelve months.

Dr Paul from Ashfields Primary Care Centre commented: “This ongoing partnership really is a worthwhile exercise. We not only substantially improve patient care by identifying at risk patients early, but also help our staff be better trained in QOF coding.”

Interface Clinical Services regularly partners with the NHS across the UK to deliver innovative services and solutions that use clinical expertise and analytical data to optimise treatment, streamline care, and achieve improved clinical outcomes for patients. Working across all parts of the NHS from practices, AHSNs and GP federations, to CCGs and secondary care, Interface work with healthcare providers to deliver clinical programmes that improve the delivery of care for the patient.